Critically Endangered: A gentle giant

The bantha is a magnificent and gentle creature native to the desert planet of Tatooine in the Arkanis sector. These massive, shaggy mammals are well adapted to the harsh desert environment, with their thick fur protecting them from the scorching heat and sandstorms. Banthas are known for their impressive size, standing up to two and a half meters tall at the shoulder and measuring up to four and a half meters in length. Their sturdy build and endurance make them ideal beasts of burden, commonly used by the local Tusken Raiders as transportation and companions.

The unfortunate practice of hunting banthas for meat has emerged as a concerning issue in certain corners of the galaxy. While banthas have long been revered for their role as loyal companions and beasts of burden, a small faction of individuals sees them merely as a source of sustenance. This misguided pursuit has led to a decline in bantha populations, disrupting the delicate balance of Tatooine's ecosystem. These majestic creatures, who have roamed the desert plains for centuries, now face the threat of extinction due to the greed and disregard of a few. Efforts by the Bantha Conservation Society and local communities are underway to raise awareness about the importance of preserving banthas as a vital part of Tatooine's heritage and the need to find sustainable alternatives for sustenance. It is hoped that through education and responsible practices, the hunting of banthas for meat can be replaced with a more harmonious coexistence that ensures the survival of these magnificent creatures for generations to come.

Who we are

The Bantha Conservation Society is a dedicated organization committed to the preservation and protection of banthas and their natural habitat. Founded by passionate individuals who recognize the significance of these majestic creatures, the society works tirelessly to raise awareness about the importance of bantha conservation. Through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy efforts, the society aims to instill a sense of responsibility and respect for banthas among local communities and beyond. The society also collaborates with scientists, researchers, and governmental bodies to conduct studies on bantha populations, their behavior, and their ecological role. By promoting sustainable practices and encouraging the development of alternative livelihoods for communities dependent on bantha resources, the Bantha Conservation Society strives to ensure the long-term survival of these iconic creatures and the preservation of their unique desert environment.